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Contest | It's Time to Show Your Kid's Creativity - NASA Commercial Crew Children’s Artwork Contest


Updated: Oct 1, 2023

The NASA Commercial Crew Children’s Artwork Contest 2024 ends in October!

Every year, 4-12 years old kids from all over the world submitted over 2000 entries, which were judged on originality and composition. A total of 36 entrants were selected first, second, or third place winners in each theme and age category.


  1. ROCKETS AND SPACECRAFT Commercial crew has launched a new app! Select your partner, mission, and crew. Then put your skills to the test as you launch and dock with the International Space Station.

  2. LIVING AND WORKING IN SPACE Living in space is not the same as living on Earth. What are the astronauts doing on the International Space Station? They work, eat, sleep and exercise to stay healthy, just like we do on Earth, but microgravity makes things a little more interesting.

  3. EXPLORING THE SOLAR SYSTEM Our solar system is located in the vast Milky Way Galaxy. It consists of the Sun (our star) and everything that orbits around it, including the eight planets and their natural satellites (like our Moon), dwarf planets, asteroids and comets. More than 300 robotic spacecraft have explored destinations beyond Earth’s orbit, including 24 astronauts who orbited the Moon, helping us learn how we can safely explore deep space and make exciting discoveries.

  4. ASTRONAUTS NASA astronauts are flying once again from U.S. soil –this time, on a commercial spacecraft.

Age Groups:

First, second, and third place winners for each theme will be selected in each of these age groups:

  • 4-6 year old

  • 7-9 year old

  • 10-12 years old

Contest Deadline: Oct 25, 2023, 11:59 p.m. CDT

Commercial Crew Program

NASA’s Commercial Crew Program is delivering on its goal of safe, reliable, and cost-effective human transportation to and from the International Space Station from the United States through a partnership with American private industry.

Photo source: NASA

Photo source: NASA

Contest Format:

  • There is no prescribed artwork form that needs to be used. Types of original artwork can include two-dimensional, sculpture, collage, or digital. However, AI generated content will not be accepted.

  • Participants will take a photo/scan of their artwork suitable for the equivalent of an 8 x 10-inch (20.32 x 25.4 cm) artwork. All photos must be horizontal orientation.

  • Parents are limited to verbal assistance only. (No parental artwork of any kind, please).

Contest winners:

  • One first place entrant per theme per age group will be showcased in large format in the 2024 Commercial Crew Program Children’s Artwork Calendar, as well as printed on the back of the calendar as a collage. Second and third place winners per theme per age group will be printed in small form on each month.

  • All first, second, and third place winners per theme per age group will receive a printed copy of the calendar and NASA prize package.

2023 First Place Selections

Photo source: NASA

Scan WeChat QR Code For More Information

If you want to know more about the contest details, please contact us immediately!

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