Photo: Jessica Lewis@Pexels
For students studying in Ontario, Canada, they will take the Ontario Provincial Assessments in the Grade 3, 6, 9, and 10 responsible from Education Quality and Accountability Office, generally known as the EQAO exam, which assess students' basic reading, writing and math abilities. All public school students must be participated, while some private schools are not required. What kind of Ontario provincial assessments do students need to take? What are these provincial assessments assess for?
What is EQAO?
Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) is an arm’s length government agency that contributes to the quality and accountability of Ontario’s publicly funded education system for K-12. EQAO provides results to each student who writes an assessment. Its personalized reports help support individual student learning. EQAO also reports the results of the provincial assessments publicly.
EQAO is responsible for:
overseeing Ontario’s provincial assessment program. EQAO’s provincial tests assess students’ literacy (reading and writing) and math skills at key points in their kindergarten to Grade 12 education.
coordinating Ontario’s participation in national and international assessments, on behalf of the Government of Ontario.

Photo: geralt@pixabay
What are the Provincial Assessments for Students in Ontario, Canada? (Grade 1-12)
Grade 3 Primary Division Test
Content: Assessment of English Reading, Writing, and Mathematics (Grade 1-3)
Aim: Assesses the reading, writing and mathematics skills students are expected to have learned by the end of Grade 3.
Assessment Date (2022/23 Academic Year): From Wednesday, May 10, to Wednesday, June 14, 2023.
Assessment of English Reading & Writing: Fore sessions, 29 questions in total, 95 minutes
Informational Text (IT): a reading text, four selected-response reading questions and one open-response question
Writing (WP): one open-response question based on a prompt
Narrative Text (NT): a reading text, 10 selected-response reading questions and one open-response question
Writing Selected-Response (WSR): 12 selected-response writing questions
Assessment of Mathematics: Four stages, 44 questions in total, 2 hours (11 questions/stage, 30 minutes/stage)

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Grade 6 Junior Division Test
Content: Assessment of English Reading, Writing, and Mathematics (Grade 4-6)
Aim: Assesses the reading, writing and mathematics skills students are expected to have learned by the end of Grade 6.
Assessment Date (2022/23 Academic Year): From Wednesday, May 10, to Wednesday, June 14, 2023.
Assessment of English Reading & Writing: Fore sessions, 29 questions in total, 95 minutes
Informational Text (IT): a reading text, four selected-response reading questions and one open-response question
Writing (WP): one open-response question based on a prompt
Narrative Text (NT): a reading text, 10 selected-response reading questions and one open-response question
Writing Selected-Response (WSR): 12 selected-response writing questions
Assessment of Mathematics: Four stages, 48 questions in total, 2 hours (12 questions/stage, 30 minutes/stage)

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Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics
The Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics assesses the mathematics skills students are expected to have learned by the end of the Ontario Grade 9 mathematics course (MTH1W).
Assessment Date (2022/23 Academic Year):
Wednesday, January 11, to Friday, February 3, 2023, with individual student results reported after each student completes the assessment.
Wednesday, June 7, to Wednesday, June 28, 2023, with individual student results reported after each student completes the assessment.
Assessment of Mathematics: 4 stages in 2 sessions, 54 questions in total, 2 hours (27 questions/session with 1 hour)

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Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)
The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) measures whether students are meeting the minimum standard for literacy across all subjects up to the end of Grade 9. Successful completion of the literacy test is one of the requirements to earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
Assessment Date (2022/23 Academic Year):
Wednesday, November 2, to Wednesday, December 7, 2022, with individual student results reported by end of January 2023.
Wednesday, March 1, to Wednesday, April 26, 2023, with individual student results reported by mid-June 2023.
The literacy test: 2 sessions, 33 questions in total, 2 hours
Session A: Reading with 19 questions, 1 hour
Real-Life Narrative (RLN): a reading selection and seven selected-response reading questions.
Information Paragraph (IP): a reading selection and six selected-response reading questions.
News Report (NR): a reading selection, one open-response question and five selected-response reading questions.
Session B: Reading & Writing and Writing, 14 questions in total, 1 hour
Dialogue (DI): a reading selection and five selected-response reading questions.
Writing Selected-Response (WSR): eight selected-response writing questions.
Opinion Essay (OP): one open-response question composed of a series of paragraphs supporting an opinion.

Photo: FatCamera@GettyImagesSignature
Do you want to know more about Ontario provincial assessments?
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Maple Study Link academic consultants can help students who is studying in Canada for academic consulting, create a personalized study plan, and provide tracking services. To ensure that students can complete the Ontario secondary school courses in Canada on time, obtain the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), and progress to the ideal institutes and career.