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加拿大升學 | 解鎖加拿大安大略省高中課程代碼




立即與我們 Maple Study Link 一起來解鎖一下這六字符號代碼!

我們用 CGC1D1 九年級地理 作為例子:


A = The Arts 藝術

B = Business Studies 商業研究

C = Canadian and World Studies 加拿大和世界研究

E = English, English Literacy Development, English As a Second Language 英語讀寫能力發展,英語作為第二語言

F = French 法語

G = Guidance and Career Education 指導和職業教育

H = Social Sciences and the Humanities 社會科學與人文學科

K = Alternative (Non-credit) 備選方案(非學分)

L = Classical, International and Native Languages 古典、國際和母語

M = Mathematics 數學

N = First Nations, Métis and Inuit Studies 原住民、梅蒂斯人和因紐特人研究

P = Health and Physical Education 健康與體育

I = Computer Studies or Interdisciplinary Studies 計算機研究或跨學科研究

S = Science 科學

T = Technological Education 技術教育


Grades 年級

1 = Grade 9

2 = Grade 10

3 = Grade 11

4 = Grade 12

Languages 語言

A = Level 1

B = Level 2

C = Level 3

D = Level 4

E = Level 5


Course Type 課程類型

C = College 學院

D = Academic 學術

E = Workplace 工作場所

L = Locally Developed 本地開發

M = College/University 學院/大學

O = Open 公開

U = University 大學

N = Non-Credit 非學分

W= Destreamed 去流化


1 = regular one credit course 常規一學分課程

2 = beginner course (only to be used for music) 初學者課程(僅用於音樂)

4 = Extended French course 擴展法語課程

5 = French Immersion course 法語浸入式課程

6 = Gifted course 資優班

7 = International Baccalaureate course 國際文憑課程

8 = ESL course ESL 課程

9 = Special Education course 特殊教育課程

0 = Advanced 高級

P = Student Interest Program 學生興趣計劃

A = 0.5 credit (Part 1) 0.5 學分(第 1 部分)

B = 0.5 credit (Part 2) 0.5 學分(第 2 部分)

D = self-contained DD K courses 獨立的 DD K 課程

E = eLearning course 在線學習課程

H = hearing or visually impaired course 聽障或視障課程

M/F/1 = male/female/ all-gendered classes 男性/女性/所有性別班

N = non-credit guideline course 非學分指導課程

R = remedial / recovery 補救/恢復

W = completed credit recovery course 完成學分恢復課程

C = two credit co-op work placement 兩學分合作實習

S = one credit co-op work placement 一學分合作實習

Z = three credit co-op (for double credit tech/art courses only) 三學分合作社(僅適用於雙學分技術/藝術課程)

O - four credit co-op (for double credit tech/art courses only) 四學分合作社(僅限雙學分技術/藝術課程)


先決條件 Prerequisite


並存條件 Corequisite


推薦準備Recommended Preparation



Maple Study Link 學術顧問能夠幫助加拿大升學的學生製定一對一個性化學習計劃,並提供追踪服務。務求同學能夠按時完成加拿大安大略省中學課程,獲得安大略省中學文憑OSSD,升讀理想的專業。


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